Born: At Village Lande, District Moga (Pb.) (1942)
About the Artist
Looking back, I can recall that on my way to the school, I used to find the rhythmic movements and enchanting shapes of birds and animals very fascinating. The impending changes in the climate would spell an anticipatory transformation in their behavior. I was always intrigued and curious about this strange linkage between the changes in environment and the feelings of the animals. I started sketching my feelings and images about the life in the rural surroundings in which I grew. I do not think that during those early school days, I had any aspiration to create art when I indulged in my initial attempts at scribbling and drawing the image that touched me.
By the time I completed my high school, comments of my peers about my drawings and sketches made me notice that I was interested in doing something different from them. I opted, against the wishes of my parents, to undertake training in Arts as a vocation. During my student days in the Arts College at Shimla, impressionist and surrealist paintings did influence me a great deal. Amongst the Indian painters, I admired the work of Amrita Shergill, K.K. Hebbar, Satish Gujral and Dhanraj Bhagat. Those were the days when I started exploring the ways of portraying the images of my inner feelings in response to nature, social situations and personal relations.
Images of early childhood in and replique montre around my village, days of apprenticeship in Shimla and surrounding hilly areas, changing landscapes and life styles during the last three decades in Chandigarh, brutalization of politics, aggression and cruelty against women, miseries of the poor people shadow my psyche and often haunt me. My subliminal anxiety over the plight of the working masses, the abuse and devastation of natural resources informs my choice of themes and images during my work.
I am convinced that every work of art enables us replique rolex to look at our life and the world anew. Over the years, I have done drawing, sketching, water colors, oil on the canvas and computer graphics. I choose a medium that suits my spontaneous urge to explore the possibilities of the visual representation of a theme, situation or an idea in abstract or not-so-abstract images.
I avoid constructing or falling prey to any stereotypes about the relationship between aesthetic creations and social reality. True that an artist lives in social milieu, is influenced by his natural and social environment, but he is always capable of looking beyond the given, by questioning and subverting it for pursuing the ideals that inspire him.
I take my work to be a constant quest for discovering replique montre rolex the new ways of sharing the meanings of lived experiences by composing visual images through a spontaneous play of forms and colors in space.
Educational Qualifications:
One Man Shows:
Contact Number:
Tel: 0172-2631213,
Mobile: 9815510216
Mailing address & Studio:
363, AOT Complex, Sector 48-A, Chandigarh.
Camp & Workshop:
Senior Fellowship:
363, AOT Complex, Sector 48-A, Chandigarh.